In this paper, we assess the viability of transformer models in end-to-end InfoSec settings, in which no intermediate feature representations or processing steps occur outside the model. We implement transformer models for two distinct InfoSec data formats - specifically URLs and PE files - in a novel end-to-end approach, and explore a variety of architectural designs, training regimes, and experimental settings to determine the ingredients necessary for performant detection models. We show that in contrast to conventional transformers trained on more standard NLP-related tasks, our URL transformer model requires a different training approach to reach high performance levels. Specifically, we show that 1) pre-training on a massive corpus of unlabeled URL data for an auto-regressive task does not readily transfer to binary classification of malicious or benign URLs, but 2) that using an auxiliary auto-regressive loss improves performance when training from scratch. We introduce a method for mixed objective optimization, which dynamically balances contributions from both loss terms so that neither one of them dominates. We show that this method yields quantitative evaluation metrics comparable to that of several top-performing benchmark classifiers. Unlike URLs, binary executables contain longer and more distributed sequences of information-rich bytes. To accommodate such lengthy byte sequences, we introduce additional context length into the transformer by providing its self-attention layers with an adaptive span similar to Sukhbaatar et al. We demonstrate that this approach performs comparably to well-established malware detection models on benchmark PE file datasets, but also point out the need for further exploration into model improvements in scalability and compute efficiency.
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恶意软件(恶意软件)分类为持续学习(CL)制度提供了独特的挑战,这是由于每天收到的新样本的数量以及恶意软件的发展以利用新漏洞。在典型的一天中,防病毒供应商将获得数十万个独特的软件,包括恶意和良性,并且在恶意软件分类器的一生中,有超过十亿个样品很容易积累。鉴于问题的规模,使用持续学习技术的顺序培训可以在减少培训和存储开销方面提供可观的好处。但是,迄今为止,还没有对CL应用于恶意软件分类任务的探索。在本文中,我们研究了11种应用于三个恶意软件任务的CL技术,涵盖了常见的增量学习方案,包括任务,类和域增量学习(IL)。具体而言,使用两个现实的大规模恶意软件数据集,我们评估了CL方法在二进制恶意软件分类(domain-il)和多类恶意软件家庭分类(Task-IL和类IL)任务上的性能。令我们惊讶的是,在几乎所有情况下,持续的学习方法显着不足以使训练数据的幼稚关节重播 - 在某些情况下,将精度降低了70个百分点以上。与关节重播相比,有选择性重播20%的存储数据的一种简单方法可以实现更好的性能,占训练时间的50%。最后,我们讨论了CL技术表现出乎意料差的潜在原因,希望它激发进一步研究在恶意软件分类域中更有效的技术。
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The task of locating and classifying different types of vehicles has become a vital element in numerous applications of automation and intelligent systems ranging from traffic surveillance to vehicle identification and many more. In recent times, Deep Learning models have been dominating the field of vehicle detection. Yet, Bangladeshi vehicle detection has remained a relatively unexplored area. One of the main goals of vehicle detection is its real-time application, where `You Only Look Once' (YOLO) models have proven to be the most effective architecture. In this work, intending to find the best-suited YOLO architecture for fast and accurate vehicle detection from traffic images in Bangladesh, we have conducted a performance analysis of different variants of the YOLO-based architectures such as YOLOV3, YOLOV5s, and YOLOV5x. The models were trained on a dataset containing 7390 images belonging to 21 types of vehicles comprising samples from the DhakaAI dataset, the Poribohon-BD dataset, and our self-collected images. After thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis, we found the YOLOV5x variant to be the best-suited model, performing better than YOLOv3 and YOLOv5s models respectively by 7 & 4 percent in mAP, and 12 & 8.5 percent in terms of Accuracy.
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Humans have perfected the art of learning from multiple modalities through sensory organs. Despite their impressive predictive performance on a single modality, neural networks cannot reach human level accuracy with respect to multiple modalities. This is a particularly challenging task due to variations in the structure of respective modalities. Conditional Batch Normalization (CBN) is a popular method that was proposed to learn contextual features to aid deep learning tasks. This technique uses auxiliary data to improve representational power by learning affine transformations for convolutional neural networks. Despite the boost in performance observed by using CBN layers, our work reveals that the visual features learned by introducing auxiliary data via CBN deteriorates. We perform comprehensive experiments to evaluate the brittleness of CBN networks to various datasets, suggesting that learning from visual features alone could often be superior for generalization. We evaluate CBN models on natural images for bird classification and histology images for cancer type classification. We observe that the CBN network learns close to no visual features on the bird classification dataset and partial visual features on the histology dataset. Our extensive experiments reveal that CBN may encourage shortcut learning between the auxiliary data and labels.
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Cartoons are an important part of our entertainment culture. Though drawing a cartoon is not for everyone, creating it using an arrangement of basic geometric primitives that approximates that character is a fairly frequent technique in art. The key motivation behind this technique is that human bodies - as well as cartoon figures - can be split down into various basic geometric primitives. Numerous tutorials are available that demonstrate how to draw figures using an appropriate arrangement of fundamental shapes, thus assisting us in creating cartoon characters. This technique is very beneficial for children in terms of teaching them how to draw cartoons. In this paper, we develop a tool - shape2toon - that aims to automate this approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network which combines geometric primitives (i.e. circles) and generate a cartoon figure (i.e. Mickey Mouse) depending on the given approximation. For this purpose, we created a dataset of geometrically represented cartoon characters. We apply an image-to-image translation technique on our dataset and report the results in this paper. The experimental results show that our system can generate cartoon characters from input layout of geometric shapes. In addition, we demonstrate a web-based tool as a practical implication of our work.
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肺癌是最致命的癌症之一,部分诊断和治疗取决于肿瘤的准确描绘。目前是最常见的方法的人以人为本的分割,须遵守观察者间变异性,并且考虑到专家只能提供注释的事实,也是耗时的。最近展示了有前途的结果,自动和半自动肿瘤分割方法。然而,随着不同的研究人员使用各种数据集和性能指标验证了其算法,可靠地评估这些方法仍然是一个开放的挑战。通过2018年IEEE视频和图像处理(VIP)杯竞赛创建的计算机断层摄影扫描(LOTUS)基准测试的肺起源肿瘤分割的目标是提供唯一的数据集和预定义的指标,因此不同的研究人员可以开发和以统一的方式评估他们的方法。 2018年VIP杯始于42个国家的全球参与,以获得竞争数据。在注册阶段,有129名成员组成了来自10个国家的28个团队,其中9个团队将其达到最后阶段,6队成功完成了所有必要的任务。简而言之,竞争期间提出的所有算法都是基于深度学习模型与假阳性降低技术相结合。三种决赛选手开发的方法表明,有希望的肿瘤细分导致导致越来越大的努力应降低假阳性率。本次竞争稿件概述了VIP-Cup挑战,以及所提出的算法和结果。
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